LOWERING Costs of Business, Property, and Homeowners

Please complete Applications:

*** If you are requesting: Products and Completed Operations, EPLI, CRIME, Business Interruption/Business Income,
Commercial Auto, Workers Compensation, Errors & Omissions/D&O - please indicate on form 125, or 126. If you do not
request it, we will not quote these coverages. We recommend buying these coverages to avoid any uninsured peril or risks.

PS. WANT TO LEARN MORE? Thought you might like to read up on the insurances to help prioritize what you need? See below:

Read up on the kinds of perils and risks you may want to insure, or not insure? IMPORTANT

The short story, is you must tell us if you need, EPLI (employment practices liability insurance), Property contents, Business Interruption, Crime, Wind storm (if your lease requires you to have it). Read your lease to confirm what GL the landlord is requiring (i.e., Comp, E&O, wind, etc). Errors and Omissions and Comp insurance is a different liability coverage we can discuss if you need it?

A few things that should be considered for coverage:

  1. Workers Compensation

    Provides compensation medical care for employees who are injured in the course of employment, in exchange for mandatory relinquishment of the employee's right to sue his or her employer for the tort of negligence.

  2. Employee Related Practices liability

    Employment Practices Liability Insurance is a relatively new form of liability insurance. It provides protection for an employer against claims made by employees, former employees, or potential employees. It covers discrimination (age, sex, race, disability, etc.), wrongful termination of employment, sexual harassment, and other employment-related allegations. It covers your firm, including its Directors and Officers.

  3. Property

    Commercial property insurance covers your business property and equipment in case of damage or destruction. Specifics of what is covered and from what causes of damage vary with the individual policy and with individual insurers. The following are typical types of coverage in commercial property insurance. In Florida coverage is not provided for Wind Storm (hurricanes) unless we add that “Cause of loss”.

    1. Loss from Theft
    2. Broken Equipment
      1. Business equipment, after property and structures, often is the most valuable physical asset an enterprise owns. Commercial property insurance can be structured to cover repair or replacement of damaged business equipment, even if it is damaged during maintenance.
      2. Electronic equipment can also be covered, but this coverage most often is offered in an additional policy or an addendum to an all risk policy.
  4. Signs and Goods
  5. Products and completed Liability

    pays for damages by use of your completed product, or failure thereof.

  6. Business Interruption

    Pays lost revenue while facility is being repaired after being damaged in a fire, wind storm (if insured) etc.

  7. Contents

    Business equipment and furniture with or without windstorm as cause of loss.

  8. Inventory
    – coverage for inventory with and without windstorm as cause of loss.
  9. Windstorm
    – in Florida this is recommended.

Businesses can be damaged by signage being knocked out. Commercial property insurance can also cover signs to include signs on glass on the building, exterior signage affixed to the building and free-standing signs on the property.

Additionally, when a business puts goods in transit, the potential for loss due to theft or accident is increased. Commercial property insurance can be structured to cover this as well.